About Me

I'M Kathy Webb

I’m very excited to have the opportunity to share my paintings. 

I studied art at Texas Christian University many years ago. I am so glad to finally be going back to what I love to do.

For the past seven years, I have owned and ran a wine and paint business. Each night I would teach a class how to paint a variety of subjects. I have given up teaching and am now painting full time. 

But, I don't paint alone. My two dogs are my constant and devoted companions. They cheer me on with every brush stroke. I’ve had dogs all of my life. Each one of them has been the subject of my paintings several times. 

I enjoy the challenge of painting realistically and the creativity of painting whimsically and abstractly. My favorite subject is animals. I like to put them in the clouds, in their favorite chair or room, adding a bit of each animals’ unique personality to my paintings. 

Besides animals, I like to paint a variety of subjects. I spent a lot of time in the country while growing up in Texas. This gave me a love for nature, which opens up all kinds of fun things to paint like landscapes, running jack rabbits or turning my memories into abstracts.

I enjoy every moment I spend creating these paintings. I hope you enjoy them too.

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